Episode 48: American Citizens Voting From Abroad
According to the Bureau of Consular Affairs within the US Department of State, an estimated 9 million US citizens are living overseas. Of course, everyone counted within this figure is not at the voting age. Nonetheless, with less than 30 days to vote, U.S. citizens abroad, this episode is for you!
The guests on this week's episode are Adrienne George and Angela Fobbs. Adrienne is an American citizen living in Sweden and also a member of the Democratic National Committee, a governing body of the Democratic Party and Angela Fobbs is an American citizen living in Germany and one of the founding members and chair of the Global Black Caucus.
This episode is a call to action for American Citizens Abroad: (1) Listen to the entire episode; (2) Create your voter registration plan, and (3) Return your ballot according to your state's voting standards. If at any time voter assistance is needed, check out the resources below!
https://www.ballotready.org/il https://www.democratsabroad.org/bc www.votefromabroad.org/states
Federal Voting Assistance Project https://www.fvap.gov/citizen-voter/overview
Email: helpdesk@votefromabroad.org
Twitter @DemsAbroadGBC
Instagram: demsabroadgbc
email: blackcaucus@democratsabroad.org
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9eAPLAZHh7FirJD4ET6yJg
GET INVOLVED WITH DEMOCRATS ABROADDemocrats Abroad is the official Democratic Party arm for the millions of Americans living outside the United States. We strive to provide Americans abroad a Democratic voice in our government and elect Democratic candidates by mobilizing the overseas vote.
Democrats Abroad has 44 country committees throughout Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. These country committees keep Americans abroad informed of their rights and help them participate in the U.S. political process. Our members live in more than 190 countries around the globe and vote in every state and Congressional district in the U.S.
The Democrats Abroad Global Black Caucus (GBC) is made up of DA members of all ethnicities from around the world who are willing and able to advocate on issues important to Black Americans within the United States of America and those living abroad. All DA members are eligible to join the GBC. We advocate for laws, policies, and programs that improve the lives of Black Americans and educate all people on the humanity of Black people
(A)Broad in Education is produced by Tiffany Lachelle Smith, Music by Reallionaire Jream. You can access Lady Justice on his Post Cards Album on Sound Cloud. Royalty Music from Pixabay.
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