(A)broad in Education
(Dis)covering Routes

Tiffany Lachelle Smith, PhD

I’m Dr. Tiffany Lachelle Smith, it is an absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance. Your presence here brings joy and I am honored to have the opportunity to engage with you.

Welcome, my dear friend, to the captivating world of (A)Broad in Education, a creation born from the art of double entendre. It encapsulates my journey as an American EDPat (EDucator + exPATriate) and the meaningful work I do to amplify the stories of fellow EDPats like myself. Over the past decade, I've dedicated myself to the field of education, both domestically and abroad, gaining invaluable insights into how cross-cultural engagement can profoundly transform lives and shape career trajectories. Your presence here is truly a blessing, and I invite you to sit back, relax, and join me on this remarkable journey as I unravel the tapestry of my life and this extraordinary endeavor.

Let's journey back to 1986, where my story begins in the quaint town of Alton, Illinois. Nestled across the bridge from St. Louis, Missouri, this town of 27,000 residents holds its own unique charm, renowned for being the most haunted small town in America, the birthplace of the tallest man in the world, Robert Wadlow, and the hometown of the internationally acclaimed jazz maestro, Miles Davis. Regardless of where I find myself in the world, whenever I'm asked the inevitable question, "Where are you from?" I take pride in placing Alton on the mental map of the United States of America (US).

In 2018, I embarked on a podcasting adventure, (A)Broad in Education, inspired by the visionary bell hooks, who fuels my mission to challenge and dismantle prevailing notions about contemporary Black migration. Through this podcast, I bring forth the stories of Black Americans abroad and transnational commuters, like myself, who have left their educational roots in the US to pursue teaching and educational opportunities in institutions around the world. However, it's not just my own experiences that take center stage; I generously hand over the microphone to allow you to hear the tales of their journeys, their encounters, and their cultural exposures in diverse countries across the globe. With the intention of expanding the scope beyond traditional notions of expatriation, I also shine a light on individuals who study abroad, engage in international internships, and work in parallel with the conventional educational narrative.

As for my personal odyssey towards becoming a transnational commuter and EDPat, it all began while working at a school near my hometown in Moro, Illinois. This experience propelled me to the enchanting city of Casablanca, Morocco, and eventually led me to the vibrant metropolis of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. In 2015, after nearly five years of teaching abroad, I reached a turning point that allowed me to fully embody the concept of a TransAtlantic Commuter, as eloquently described by James Baldwin. Similar to Baldwin, who viewed himself not as an expatriate but as someone constantly commuting between the US, Paris, Turkey, and Ghana, my teaching, living, and traveling experiences abroad have expanded my horizons to encompass nearly 40 countries. These diverse encounters have shaped my worldview, sparking a rich tapestry of contradictions, comparisons, and introspection as I navigate the realms of both my home in the US and the wider world beyond.

With my vast repertoire of international experiences, (A)Broad in Education has blossomed into an LLC, offering a platform for me to share the wisdom gained throughout my journey. I provide educational talks, conduct podcasting workshops, offer podcast features, and employ various other modalities to distill complex international educational inquiries into bite-sized, digestible pieces for students, teachers, business leaders, and aspiring EDPats.

May this endeavor be blessed with growth and impact, as we embark on a shared voyage of learning and discovery. Amen.

If you read this far and you’re interested to learn more about what I do, contact me. I can’t wait to hear from you! 

 curriculum vitae


Doctor of Philosophy  

June 2022 |   Cum GPA 3.9)

Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development                      

Comparative and International Development Education 

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Minnesota

Master of Science in Education

(May 2011 | Cum GPA 3.8)

Learning, Culture, and Society                

Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois

Bachelor of Science

(May 2009 | Cum GPA 3.2)

Early Childhood Studies, Black Studies Minor  

Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois 

Type 04 Illinois Professional Educator License (Certification) Expires 6/30/2023

International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP) (Certification)


Smith T.L. (2021) Jumpin’ in, stayin’ in, and double-dutchin’ it: Teacher attrition from an African American international educator. In: Murti L., Flores G.M. (eds) Gender, Race, and Class in the Lives of Today’s Teachers. Springer, Cham.

Johnstone, C., Smith, T. L., & Malmgren, J. (2020). Academics as arbiters: Promoting equity and cultural responsibility in group-based study abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 32(2), 120-144.

Smith, T.L., Thomas Kpetay, S., Banwo, B., Higgins, B. (2018). The commonalities that make us different: African American identity In Cameroon and Ghana. The Global Impact Exchange, Spring Edition, 26-28.


Smith, T.L. (2021, April 27). (Dis)Covering routes: An inside look at the exodus of some Black teachers and why they choose to leave the United States. [Digital E-zine]. SPARK: Community of Scholars Program.

Smith, T.L. (2021). Examining teacher migration in k-12 Schools in the United Arab Emirates: Perceptions of African American expatriate educator professionals. [Policy Paper No. 46]. Sheik Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research.


Smith, T. L. (Accepted, April 2022). Affective Turnover: A New Critical Social Science Theory to Examine Teacher Turnover. Comparative and International Development Education Society (CIES). Minneapolis, MN

Smith, T.L. (April 2021). Leaving as an expression of domestic discontent: Elements of the daily grind.  Comparative and International Development Education Society (CIES). Virtual Conference. 

Smith, T.L. (March 2021). Location as a factor for retention: Teacher migration in the United Arab Emirates. Gulf Comparative Education Society (GCES). Virtual Conference. 

Smith, T.L. (April 2020). Academics as Arbiters: Promoting Equity and Cultural Responsibility in Group-based Study Abroad. (Virtual Presentation). Forum on Education Abroad. Virtual Conference.  

Smith, T.L. (2019). (Un)packing for my return home: An autoethnographic investigation of mobility from an African American international teacher. (Presentation). Comparative and International Education Society Conference. San Francisco, California, 2019

Smith, T.L., Thomas-Kpetay, S., Banwo, B., Higgins, B. (2018). The commonalities that make us different: African American identity in Cameroon and Ghana (Roundtable Presentation). Comparative and International Education Society Conference. Mexico City, Mexico, 2018




September 2019             Research Assistant, Dr. Elizabeth Sumida Huaman

May 2020                   Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development

January 2019 - May 2019       Teaching Assistantship, Curriculum and Instruction 3212 

                        Undergraduate: Elementary Education Practicum Supervisor         

January 2018 - May 2018       Program Supervisor, Curriculum and Instruction 3283              

                        Undergraduate: Special Education Practicum Supervisor

September 2018 - December 2018 Teaching Assistantship, Curriculum and Instruction 3211

                        Undergraduate: Introduction to Elementary Teaching 

January 2018 - May 2018 Teaching Assistantship, OLPD 5005

                  Undergraduate & Graduate: Schools and Society 

September 2017 - May 2018       Teaching Assistantship, OLPD 5000

                        Graduate: Cultures, Schools, and Communities 

September 2017 - December 2017 Teaching Assistantship, Curriculum and Instruction 3212 

                        Undergraduate: Elementary Education Practicum Supervisor

May 2017 - July 2017       Mary Tjosvold Graduate Fellowship in Community Development

                        Primary Resource Exchange Teacher, Bamenda, Cameroon

September 2015 - May 2016       Graduate Assistantship, Dr. Heidi Barajas                              

                        Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development